Yak She Mash!!
Hello all, Daniel here. Thought i might say one or two things as i havent blogged in a while.
Firstly, anyone who gives a good back massage i may be requiring your services as our glamourous new 'Glidecam 2000 Pro' makes for some wonderful shots but also puts a rather heavy strain on its operator.
But lets not get bogged down with my subtle attempts for sympathy, on a much happier note we have had a very successful week or so of shooting. I have to say i have have been pleasantly surprised with everybodies efforts over the last 3 shooting days. They've had a very different feel to them from any previous shoots, a much more professional approach from all involved.
Last wednesday was a big day for us. With over 30 extras, a few new crew members, and our first night shoot it was a very ambitious day. Personally i was on my feet all day, as i think most crew members were. At times It may have felt a little unorganized to some but we got everything on track and we got the shots we needed which is the main thing. And they look great too, something very new to the film which will definitely visually enhance its look with a bit of contrast to some of the other scenes shot.
So a big thanks to everyone who helped out on that day. All the extras were fab, it wasnt the best of days, weather wise but everybody stuck in there and its cliche but we 'really' couldnt have done it without you. We'd have just been filming the trees otherwise!!
Special thanks to Rebecca, the make-up was superb, Ivor's arms looked amazing (although i dont think he has any hairs left on them now after ripping off the latex). Also Stephanie, she stepped in to help us with bits and bobs and it felt like she'd been there all along. Nothing was a problem for her and in many cases she was a step ahead of us! Although im normally a step behind, so maybe she was two steps ahead of me! hmm
Thursday was a very succesful day too. We set out to shoot 3 dialogue scenes basically of people walking through the woods. However, we didnt want it to look all the same and tried out some more exciting shots and shooting methods which will definitely aid the final look. All the guys involved on that day were great, they had to deliver lines and we hadn't auditioned the parts so was taking a little risk but i can honestly say they were completely believable in their deliverance.
And of course to yesterday. It was nice to see some of the extras from the shoot on day 2 back. And thanks goes to them for simply being there. It was quite nippy on the beach front at night.
The actors yesterday were great too, we had a big scene to pull off on the beach (the very first scene in the film), and Brogan and James done a brilliant job. The scenes supposed to be intriguing, mysterious, and visually exciting and i think we achieved that through the actors well delivered lines and intent on their faces, along with the crews work with lighting, flame lit torches and camera angles. There should be some nice stuff there. Also thanks to Andy, our lead actor, he's always there and often acts like hes a crew member helping us out. He has a long way to travel too but his motivation is inspirational. And i guess that goes for everybody involved. It truely is a team effort and all the actors, extras and crew members all realise our intent for this film and really have a joint motivation to make this work.
Before Roanoke got underway i only knew 3 of the people involved, now that figures near 100. If anything i think we can all say weve met some great people who all share our aspirations, and will no doubt be working alongside again in the future.
Well, this blog turned out to be a long one. Turned into some sort of acceptance speech. I was kinda having a quiet few thoughts and realised just how amazing everyones attitudes have been to this project and wanted to express that to you all.
So, i guess i should stop typing now......yes i think i