Friday, March 23, 2007


Yes! This is the date Bertie has given as the day Roanoke: The Lost Colony will be finished!

It will then be time for some test screenings with the crew, as only Dan and Bertie have seen it, the rest of us have only seen some clips that they showed us at the wrap party! After the screenings it will then start to be put on to dvd (which you can still pre-order for just £3)! Angela has been busy cutting together the behind the scenes featurette for it (that I have seen!), and although not finished it is still looking really good, even with the interviews from the crew!

So once again I am going to say that its nearly over (I'm sure its about the 5th time we've said this!) and I'm sure we will all tell you what we think of the finished production when we've seen it! I can't wait to see the product of all our hard work!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Always greener on the other side

Yesterday the crew got together with Ryan (Goodson) and Charlotte (Eleanor) who were also in the area at the time to have a bit of fun recording some green screen plates for the scenic section of the movie when we look out at the boat arriving in at Roanoke.
Sadly the authorities at Fleet pond and our budget didn't allow for a full 16th Century period long boat and hundreds of extras to arrive on set, for this reason we have had to cheat. In order to make it look realistic there are a number of ways it can be done, below is a quick rough example of one of those...

1. Here our DOP and Camera Man Dan stands in front of a large green piece of cloth in a studio in London, around stand the other crew members, reflectors and lights.

2. Here is an image shot in the Summer of fleet pond (Roanoke). It is very empty and although pretty, a bit boring.

3. IN the editing program we tell the computer to look at the image of Dan, find anything that is Green and delete it from our sights. We then put the image of Fleet Pond underneath so we get a very weird image of Daniel Standing in a studio above a very colourful backdrop.

4. As the "Green Screen" wasn't able to stretch across the whole room we then delete all the rest of the frame of Dan so that the rest of the studio is deleted. In this Picture below I have left the right hand side of the screen as it is so you can see what is happening.

5. When the whole of the studio has vanished we then can scale Dan down move him around and place him anywhere we want. In the image below i have decided to have him standing ankle deep in water.

And finally, add a few more crew members. In the real edit we'll make sure everyone is proportioned properly, there is alot more going on, we have a boat... but for now I hope this has been slightly interesting as to how the green screening idea works.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Updating Website

Update: Now all crew members and two cast members have profiles on the website, more coming soon.

I've started to update the website again now that the video edit has ended, I've just added a few Crew Profiles under the cast and crew section. The profiles give you a little bit of information about the crew member, their role, what they look like and a few things things they have to say about Roanoke The Lost Colony. I'll be adding the remainder of the crew members over the next few days, along with the cast members.

I've also continued to add the weekly quiz to the website which is proving to be a popular feature, and we will hopefully have a new trailer soon too.

On another note I've successfully backed up the whole of Roanoke onto some secondary secure hardrives. Yay :-D

28 days.... :-D