Friday, March 23, 2007


Yes! This is the date Bertie has given as the day Roanoke: The Lost Colony will be finished!

It will then be time for some test screenings with the crew, as only Dan and Bertie have seen it, the rest of us have only seen some clips that they showed us at the wrap party! After the screenings it will then start to be put on to dvd (which you can still pre-order for just £3)! Angela has been busy cutting together the behind the scenes featurette for it (that I have seen!), and although not finished it is still looking really good, even with the interviews from the crew!

So once again I am going to say that its nearly over (I'm sure its about the 5th time we've said this!) and I'm sure we will all tell you what we think of the finished production when we've seen it! I can't wait to see the product of all our hard work!

1 comment:

Jenna 2nd AD said...

Hey Sam, you forgot about me! I've seen the film too, and have been working on it with Dan and Bertie. It's coming along and I think it looks amazing, but maybe I am a little bias. Can't wait for the test screenings to see what people actually think!!