Test Screening
So we had the test screening of Roanoke: The Lost Colony and Bertie, Dan and I had the film screened at university for our major project screening. Overall the film has generally been excepted as a great achievement having been made by students.
The test screening was for members of the public that had no knowledge of the film, the story or the people involved in the production and therefore could give a impartial opinion. A big thank you to those who attended as many didn't turn up on the day that were expected, and for those who did turn up gave fantastic advice that we have taken on board. The questionnaires helped a lot for the opinions that were not voiced in the after disscussion, and to take notes from to find conclusive evidence for the common problems as well as complements. I have compiled the data to give an overview of the questions asked and they have come out quite positively.
The university screening went well and we have gained increased interest in the film and its merchandice, as well as discovering a target market audience for the film.
We are very happy with the finished film and delighted with the response that it is currently receiveing in the UK and America. Thank you to everyone that has supported the production and we look forward to seeing you at the premiere.
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