Monday, July 31, 2006

Monday, a fine example!

Welcome back to a Monday, a new week for the blog, a new week for everyone to be fair.

Last week we changed locations around, switched shooting days, and generally set out a new shooting schedule for us all. But there's one thing that happened which is the primary reason for this entry, the helping hand everyone has when it comes to shooting an independent film.

Our John White (character name), Andy Sweet, went out and about last week looking for some boats that would be suitable for us to shoot on. Below are some pictures of his adventure.

The thing I love is how everyone on this film seems to be going out there way, doing jobs which aren't their own to help with the production of the film. From Andy going on a day quest to find and chat to owners of 16th Century Vessels, Leander (McNair) doing some internet research on boats close by, to name a few.

Well done everyone so far and hopefully everyone's effort can be turned into a great looking production.

(let's not speak to soon, but...maybe, possibily, who knows)

(image thanks to Andy)

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