Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Nickname For Bertie

Following on from my post regarding nicknames, i've come up with my first.....for the director himself.

Bertie will now be more commonly known as......MALCOLM


In Bertie's time in the states he was commonly known as Bird. The spine-tailed Swift is the fastest Bird in the world. Swift is a model of motor car designed by Suzuki. Suzuki is a Japanese company. Toyota is one of its Japanese competitors. In 96 they made the Toyota Mega Cruiser. The QM2 is a 'Mega Cruiser' being the largest cruise ship in the world. QM stands for Queen Mary. Queen Mary the 1st was known as Mary Tudor. Tudor relates to the period in British History between 1485 and 1603. in 1603 the Plague was at its worst. The plague was more commonly known as the black death. Which leads to the death of the most famous Black nationalist leader, Malcolm X.

And that's why Bertie's 'NEW' nickname is 'MALCOLM'

1st AD