Thursday, October 26, 2006

Wow the first two winter shoots and first night shoot over! There are some very interesting stories to be told, all of which will be, however.....currently it's 7:40 and we have just finished packing up all the equipment, cleaning the majority of it and cleaning the unit base (house), but the main problem is i'm waiting to update the blog with pictures from my computer back in London and at the momment there are traffic ques stretching back all through the M4 and M25 with traffic under 30mphs all the way there....(thanks to for those details)!

If we get back at a..normal...hour i'll update the blog tonight, if not it will have to wait until tomorrow.

Either way a huge thank you to everyone involved in this shoot and i'll be needing to say alot more thank you's than that in due course, it really couldn't have happened without each and every one of you!!!

But for the most part we're all still alive and kicking but some interesting things did happen, some of which would have been better without happening....if that makes sence, maybe it doesn't, maybe i'll take a nap before the traffic clears!

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