Saturday, November 18, 2006

Something Right

So two jobs were spread over the course of the day, one a very easy job, the other alot more challenging.

We started with the more challenging job which was to make sure that all the scenes had been checked over for costume continuity, which, isn't as easy as it sounds. As films are generally (99.9%) shot in a random order and adjacent scenes months apart, it is important that when you come to shoot a scene that continues from a scene shot 6 months ago all the characters are wearing the same costume.

For Roanoke, with over 120 scenes we have to make sure each scene lines up with the last and next and some scenes that correspond with others that have been shot and are 50 pages in the script ahead are noted....long winded I know but true. For instance on Tuesday we will not only be shooting a "continuity scene" but we will be shooting the same scene as we shot on July 10th at 4am but from a different angle. So not only do the actors actions have to be similar, but their costumes and facial hair have to be the same too...

The one advantage we do have is that we tend to shoot the whole scene in one day, thus for each scene it is hard to have costume continuity errors, however props and set arrangements must be counted too.

We (Angela and I) managed to produce a lovely 4 page document with all the scenes listed and their corresponding continuity jargon.....

On another note and the second job, I decided to see how well our film was doing in the search engines. Quite by surprise we now rank at #1 search for a variety of different areas, such as "Roanoke Film" "Roanoke Movie" and others that people may search for on the internet.

Tomorrow I must sort all the costumes out for Tuesday!

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