Monday, September 11, 2006

I now have a date...

Some may call it sad refering calender shooting dates to the illustrious guise of going on a date, but wait until the dates for Roanoke: The Lost Colony are confirmed, then i'll be in a relationship with the date, then it'll be sad. hey, you gotta have your fun somewhere huh.

Actually the last bit above is a lie, i'm having lots of fun, and what increased the fun meter yesterday is the kindness of West Stow to allow us to film there. It seems we'll have to film a bit after our intended desire to finish shooting, however for the location that West Stow provides (our recce can be seen below) it'd be worth waiting a loooooong while.

As it stands it looks like we'll be shooting over the following shooting windows:

October: 26th - 27th
November: 1st - 3rd
November: 20th - 30th
December: 4th - 6th

Now we're not going to be shooting on all those dates, but that is the window. I'm not waiting on some dates i'll be getting on Wednesday to see which days we'll be shooting. It is still true as I said earlier that we'll have from 8 - 12 days of shooting within these windows, the October and December dates look pretty set in stone (touch wood...or stone)

Well until i'm in a full blown relationship with them, i'll let them be, we really should get on to casting a few of the needed cast members!

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