Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Planning the Plan

So yesterday it was rather like a Vicar of Dibley moment on Roanoke The Lost Colony. Instead of actually planning work, I wrote a plan to plan work. Which in turn meant that I plan to have finishing all the planning by October 5th. There are a number of things I need to take into consideration before we go anywhere near shooting on the last few days of October - through December. New costumes, props, difficult makeup, camera positions, which scenes to shoot in order now we have them shot on the same day.

Either way, we now have a complete list of all these items, set out in order from now until 5/10/2006. It will be a very busy few days, and at the same time very scary how on earth we have managed to get to October this year already!

Today's Job: Double checking all actors availability, Swapping two dates over that conflict with actors and writing 8 letters of confirmation to various location in regards to permission.

It should be a fantastic few days, mainly because it's going to be very busy! I also plan to release at least one more desktop wallpaper for people to enjoy.

ohh, and the documents are now up below...

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