Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The First Editing Update

Last time I blogged I was in the tired state of logging the hours and hours of footage collected over the summer and winter. This time we are nearly half way through the first rough edit, although running by scene numbers we are on 46 / 125 , luckily the scenes get shorter as we go on :-D.

The film is coming together in its own way and it is very interesting to finally see how all the hours and hours of work on various different scenes can be cut down to a couple of minutes, and in some intances cut entierly. Having watched the first few mintues of the production quite a few times now its hard to see it from an outside prospective and therefor the help of the other crew members third eye will become very usefull over the upcoming weeks. The rough edit looks mainly at the video edit which means that although we have begun layering guide music and rough audio over the top, the full emotion and feel for a scene can't fully be grasped as on most occasions there is little if any audable dialogue. Don't fear however, the dialogue has been recorded seperatlly and therefore will be added in due course.

The aim to complete a full rough cut before the new year should be on track, however there will be a lot of touching up and hours and hours more work to be done on the production before it is at a viewable standard.

The acting from everyone, main cast - extras, has been incredible and we have really been let off the hook as we can let scenes run at there natural pase for the most part and still have it work in the sence of the whole production.

We have hit a critical scene within the editing and for this reason instead of editing together, Dan has left the edit suit for the night and I will edit the scene to the style discussed earlier and how the script depicts it and in the morning at around 7am Dan will offer a fresh eye over the work and be able to offer intial reactions based on how the journey of the scene progresses.

Right now however I should get back to the edit and will hopefulaly update with a bit more interesting (more than text) information later.

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