Sunday, December 17, 2006

Very Short, Tired, But Important Update

Hi there,

Well you might have noticed my lack of blogging over the last week. That's not wholey becuase nothing has been happening with Roanoke, infact quite a lot has, towards the end anyway. I took last weekend (not the one just gone) and Mon - Thurs to have a break from Roanoke after finishing the shooting and I caught up on the majority of my UNI work that had been slightly neglected over the last few weeks, laa di daa, no fret tho I have been doing it, and the few days allowed me to fully catch up which was excellent.

Now the bigger news is that for me this weekend has yet to have a seperation. Since Friday at 2pm I have been working towards Logging and Capturing all the footage from every shoot date of Roanoke. When I say since Friday I actually mean it as I have yet to properly go to bed (and it is now Sunday at 19:30 and i'll have to go through the final few days still.

On the editing system I have created 125 folders (representing the number of scenes) and then as the Tape Deck plays the Rushes into the computer the program (as in instructed by I) logs the timecode for each scene, shot and take and then begins to digitze the footage into a format the computers can read for an edit. Now although the computer should really take the credit (so far, touch wood) for the heavy duty process of recording the data, it has to be manually programed and then the computer looks back over the programing and encodes the footage.

In turn it usually goes for work for an hour and a half, rest for an hour, so I have been having a very interesting sleeping pattern through the night and day where I no longer care whether the sun shines but just wait for the hour where the computer goes at it so I can take a few seconds rest.

In the past this process has usually taken around 10 days to do the number of hours, however I have been trying to work at a quicker pass, through the nights, and obviously for alot longer hours in order to make sure I can complete it by 6am this Monday Morning. At around 6am Dan is coming round and on this final week before Christmas we are going to be compiling the first rough cut of the movie. There is pretty much (apart from the 5 days mentioned earlier) no down time betweeen finishing shooting and editing the movie together. Dan is going to be staying with me at the edit sweet so the hours can be increased. ohhh as we speak baby Alfie (Virginia Dare) is just having his first ever feature film debut imported by the computer.

Well now we are off our break, and back full in action, expect updates this week about the rough cut, and then before xmas and into the new year about the Music and CGI and the fine edits.

All very entertaining, but currently this has taken about 20 minutes out of my sleep time, so I should go grab a quick one before I move onto the next set of's very fun tho, and so far (touching the same piece of wood) very promising.


p.s - this time you can excuse the grammer and spelling as i'll blame it on the tierdness, wohay i love the excusess.

p.p.s - due to this sudden surge in work the blog updates have been delayed, i've been updating the full credit list as well.

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